Auto body repair & detailing: Fender and quarter panel repair, acura integra, quarter panel

The right fender on my 96 Acura Integra is oxidizing.  It's dull compared to the rest of the car.  When I was it, the paint does not come off, therefore some clear coat is still there.

Question 1:

If I buy a can of clear coat, sand the fender with a fine grit, than spray it on the entire fender will it be glossy again?

I did some body work on the quarter panel, it was rusting, therefore I cut a hole about 4inches (wide) by 2inches (height).  I filled the hole with bond, primed and painted it. It's starting to crack exactly were I filled it.

Question 2:

Will it work if I put a layer of fiber glass or bond on the crack, prime and paint it.  I just need it to last another year.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


No...spraying clear coat isn't going to make it right.  Try polishing with a heavy to medium grit a machine and buy a wool polishing bonnet if you have to.

You should only bondo "sealed" areas.  Also, fiberglass is not a filler...its used to strenghten a substrate.  Thus, you should have fiberglassed the hole...then used bondo as a filler to shape...not the other way around.

If it needs to look can fix it right, or wait until it needs to look right, fill the crack with top coat, sand, prime, paint, but thats not the right way.