Auto body repair & detailing: Paint Overspray from Body Work, 2002 lexus rx300, lexus rx300

Please help me.

I had the rear bumper on my 2002 Lexus RX300 -- pearl white -- fixed by an inexpensive body shop.  Now the paint all over the car is gritty, and not as shiny.  My windshield is gritty, too, and the wipers drag and make noise when they're on.  

I think the body shop allowed paint overspray to get all over my car.

We also had my mother's 2002 Honda Accord (silver) repaired at the same body shop, and her paint is gritty and unshiny, too.

1.  What can be done to repair the problem?  The paint is a metallic pearl white, and of course, there's a clear coat over it.  Can this be salvaged?

2.  Is this auto body shop legally liable for the problem?

THANK YOU for any help you can give.

Desperately yours,

First Joyce, I'm sure I'm not the first one to remind you that you get what you pay for.  Good shops that take the time, use quality materials, and hire skilled workers have to charge a "fair" price.  Anything below that will always disappoint you.
Enough father talk.
Absolutely, positively get that car back there and in no uncertain terms tell them you want this fixed.  It is overspray and they can fix it easily with a little time and effort.  They are responsible and I would report them to the Better Business Bureau if they give you any difficulty.  It is the result of not covering and taping off the car correctly.  If you don't have the backbone for this task, have someone come with you that will won't take no for an answer, but don't let them get away with this.
Go Joyce Go!!