Auto body repair & detailing: Seatback release handle removal, jeep cherokee xj, roll pins

I am installing seat covers on my '99 Jeep Cherokee (XJ) and need to remove the seatback release handles from the rear seat.  These handles appear to be attached (to the release mechanism) with blind roll pins.  To further complicate matters, the hole for the roll pin is aligned with the latch itself (only an inch or so away) making it nearly impossible to get a straight shot at it.  I thought of trying to drill through the pin to create a starter hole on the opposite side, but the location of the latch prohibits this (I don't have any flexible drill bits).  Any ideas?

Dave,I probably won`t be much help here.But I will try my best.There should be a much simpler way than you have described.My best guess would be that there is access if you partially unzip the factory cover.If you have a trim shop near by you could pop in and ask them.I can't honestly say I have ever had to work on one of these seats.Sorry I couldn't be more help.