Auto body repair & detailing: paint runs, power buff, razor blade



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how do you get rid of paint runs in acr .enamel?

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Hello! I need more info. Is the paint a metallic, or solid color? Where are the runs, how severe are they? An example is as wide as your thumb, a long run is called a curtain- a curtain is a connected series of runs, that can be several inches, or several feet, long. Sags are not really a run, but the paint looks like it tried to run, but stopped. Or, are there all of these problems? Did you do an overall paint, or just a panel? Please advise, answer all my questions carefully. Each one is important. Bill

I painted entire truck (s10 blazer 4 door) in black
I have runs at edge of roof, approx. as wide as a pencil in most spots- below back door window - beside back door window most are about 1/8" thick

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Okay, you are good to go. Take a new safety razor blade, and hold it at a 90 degree angle from the surface. CAREFULLY scrape the run, trying your best to only scrape the run itself! Start with a small run to get the hang of it, then move on to bigger game. You simply plain back down the run untill the surface is flat. Then, take a piece of 1500 wet or dry sandpaper, and wet block the area down untill you can no longer see the scrapes caused by the razor blade. Wipe  the water off and check progress regularly and use a stiff rubber sanding block. Avoid letting the edges of the blade gouge the paint, and don't get carried away with wet sanding, either. You will then need to power buff the sanded areas, first using rubbing compound, followed by swirl mark remover. Don't be surprised if you wind up doing a little repainting. Runs are a bear to get out without going too far, especially with single stage paint. Hope this helps! Bill

under door window , run is almost width of door
same thing applies?I guess now I need to get good at blending paint.if I repaint entire truck , do I need to sand again?

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Hello again! Give getting the runs out a whirl before you repaint anything. If you do need to repaint, refinish the entire panel. Spot jobs are a pain. TARP OFF ALL THE REST OF THE PANELS NOT BEING PAINTED!!! ENAMEL OVERSPRAYS LIKE MAD!! Yes, If you refinish the entire truck, you will need to sand again. Next time, the first coat of enamel is a tack coat. It should be transparent, without any emphasis on getting a glassy shine. Let the paint tack up between coats. If you touch the paint, and it's still slick, it's too soon. If your finger sticks to it, it's time. Oh, check the last panel you painted when doing this, and touch the masking paper as close to the panel as possible. Enamel dries SLOW.  That is why body shops went to acrylic urethanes. Enamel is fine, long lived paint, you just need hours and hours to paint it. I've spent 6 hours just spraying an enamel paint job! Hey, if you need anything else, just holler. Bill
I'm pretty sure I can't get this big curtain out without repainting( if I sand it ,won't I have to repaint?) the worst spot is under passenger back door window ,there I can repaint entire panel ,
just wondered best way to go
the small runs on edge of roof what's the best thing to do?

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If you sand with anything coarser than 1000 grit, those sanding scratches wont buff out. Yes, you will probably have to refinish the door, but the runs will still have to be plained down. The razor blade trick still works good here, followed with 320 or 400 on a DA sander. Or, wet block it with 320 grit and a sanding block. Blade off the run by the roof, sand with 1500, and power buff that one out. Just try to keep in your head "Im not gonna repaint this for any reason". That will help guide you. Hope this helps. Bill
thanks alot for the tips on using a razer blade , it works great. I think I have got them all down pretty good now .Also just bought a new paint gun(hvlp gravity feed) hope this makes a difference
I appreciate all of your help,talk to you soon
how many coats of paint should there be in total ?

Stay away from the HVLP gun! Enamel was invented WAY before HVLP guns, and it doesn't really spray well with one. Take that from hard experience. If you are comfortable with your present gun, use it. I would go no less than 3 coats of enamel, 4 if you are going to sand and buff it. Glad the razor blade thing worked. Cool trick, huh? I picked it up about 8 years ago, and it beats the shit out of anything else I've tried. Good luck with the paint. Bill