Auto body repair & detailing: Rust on 2004 Honda Odysey, acid rain damage, defective paint

We have started to see very little rust spots on our silver Honda Odysey.  Thinking it's defective paint still under warranty, we took it to the dealer, but they said it's "environmental rust" meaning there are metals in the air which are being deposited on the surface of the paint and rusting.  They said they see it all the time.  I have never seen it before.  They offered that buffing and waxing is the solution.  Does this sound right?

Hello, and thank you for your question! I don't know what part of the country you're from, or how they ship Honda Odyseys to and fro, but you probably have what is called rail dust damage. It may have been there all along, and  you are just noticing it, or it may be reacting with acid rain. When a car is shipped by rail, the iron dust generated by the rail cars can contaminate the fresh paint of a new car. Even a baked finish is soft for about a month after manufacture. Yes, buffing should remove all the rail dust. Warrany claim after 2 years? I think you have an uphill battle to get them to cover it. I personally have never heard of environmental rust, but I don't live near a steel mill. If you live in a highly industrial area, it may be very possible, but that is usually acid rain damage. Acid rain damage looks like little water spots that won't rub out, or little pits accompanied by water spots. This doesnt sound like your problem, however. Get it buffed, wax it with a good quality wax 3 or 4 times a year. The next time you purchase a new car, carefully inspect the finish for flaws. Insist they be corrected before vehicle delivery, or better yet, let someone else buy the flawed car. Be sure YOU get a good one! Hope this helps! Thanks, Bill