Auto body repair & detailing: car door, ford taurus, car door
QuestionI have a 94 ford Taurus GL. just bought from guy who had it sitting in his yard for 2 years. Body looks great run great. the problem is the front passengers door is stuck shut. I tried spraying it with blaster in the lock and the latch itself but no luck the cables inside the door seem to move freely. Not sure if its stuck in the lock position or not. What could I do to get the door open? If its rusted at the door latch itself what could I do to get it open?
Answerok i have seen door's freezeshut before. if you can feel the door handle inside or outside . it should feel like it trying to open the door latch a little pressure on it. had it open and have someone push hard inside out. if there is no pressure on it. you have to get the panel off inside its a bi*** to do . and look inside to see what came loose or broke. its the only way i wish i could say what to look for but the lock latch is all springs and levers it a mtter of getting to it and trying every thnig. i have had to in past break them apart in the door to get the door open .. good luck sorry