Auto body repair & detailing: Emblem Removal, pencel, amblem
QuestionI'm Looking to remove an amblem from the back of a used car i bought and i was wondering how i could do it myself for cheap without chiping the paint.
Answerok isit a sticker emblem or a molded one . if it is a sticker. buy yourself a big easrer like on the end of a pencel. rubb the sticker fast and hard it will come off. than just polish the aera. if its a molded emblem take a putty knife and work under it it will come off than use the easer again to get the glue off. the easyist way is to go to a local bodyshop. and ask if they can remove them . it will cost around 20.00 and bingo its done. if they hurt the paint . they fix it . get the point.. hope this helps