Auto body repair & detailing: 1992 nissan pathfinder floorboard rust, pathfinder 4x4, nissan pathfinder
Questioni recently bought a 1992 nissan pathfinder 4x4 SE V-6.and under the rear seats the florboards have rusted through.what should i do.i was thinkin about getting some sheet metal and haveing a family member weld over the holes in the floor.and the rust is only under the rear seats.thank you.
Answerya it would be ok to weld in new pans or filler the only thing is to make sure you cut all the rust out before hand. and seal off open edges where you cut them off. if you don't the rust will still travel and you will have the same trouble in future. cut it out undercoat it and the new metal you will be fine .. hope this helps