Auto body repair & detailing: pitch removal from auto body paint, auto body paint, polishing wheel

T am having the hardest time trying to remove pitch from poplar and pine trees from the paint on our cars.  We have tried everything including gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, brake free liquid wrench, liquid and paste rubbing compound using an electric polishing wheel and every kind of bug and tar remover we could find, including razor scraping.  Is there anything that you can recommend?

yes this stuff sucks. we use what they call prep solve. you can get it at a auto store that sells paint . spray it on let it sit and spray it on again and again. like 4 times it will soften t up than use you finger nail to lightly scrap it off .. thats is the easyist way we found to do it. after you get it off be sure to poish.. you car to keep it from going bad where it was.. hope this helps ..

you can also try and pick it up at a body supply place. is what we call play doe. its more money but it works to . dir are on it ..