Auto body repair & detailing: cause of a bent control arm, complaint dept, control arm
Questionthe car is a clk 320 2004 with 1200 miles.
after making a right turn in a downtown district(therefore the speed was pretty slow) the car started fishtailng felt like a flat tire. didn't hit anything, didn't run over the curb , nor did anyone hit me. took it in to the dealership and they said it was not and could not be a factory defect. the problem was a bent control arm which caused the wheel to toe inward. common sense tells me if nothing hit the wheel and i didn't run over or hit anything then the bent control arm had to have been due to some sort of defect or negligence on mercedes behalf. maybe something wasn't put on properly or tightened. but things don't happen out of the blue.
AnswerYou are right, control arms dont bend themselves. The control arm could have ben bent when they chained the car to the trailer for hauling to the dealership.You tell them that if it happened in a car accident it would have had to bend the wheel first. the wheels are aluminum and the control arm is steel. Tell them you want to talk to their first in command and raise a stink. tell that person you are not happy with the way you are being treated. Take no prisoners if you dont get help there. Tell them you will take your buisness elseware. Ask them for their corperate tell#. Call the # and speek to someone high in command in the complaint dept. This might be covered in your warrantee also
Hope this helps