Auto body repair & detailing: Dupon finishes, dupont variprime, acrylic laquer

What would you recomend thats better and easier to shoot and repair than laquer? Also isnt laquer more durable when cleared?-------------------------
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Question -
   I have a question in regards to painting my 95 Corsica.I plan to shoot Dupont since i have a quart of Dupont Variprime and Dupont Sealer primer.The problem that i have is that the last time i shot a car i used Lucite Acrylic Laquer and I dont know if this system is still around. I definately want to use Laquer,but when i looked around there must be a ton of new paint systems.Which is the Dupont acrylic laquer?,Centari,Imron,Chromabase,or is Lucite still produced? I also would like to shoot clear over it.What do think the cheapest laquer from Dupont system is available?

         Thank you very much.
         Tom S.
Answer -
Let me ask a question first. Why would you want to use laquer paint. When there are less expensive and better flowing paints and clears out there?


Laquer is less durable than the new paints. GM used it for years untill they found a better product.(laquer never comletly drys for it is chemically an air dry system] It never cures. so when you clear over it it basically is still wet. Air bubbles, cracking, fading and most of all shrinkedge can accure.  Doupont acrilic urethane base and clear is the way in my world is the best way to go. Every paint rep. allways says thier product is the best, but laquer is on its way out.