Auto body repair & detailing: Interior middle console, phillips head screws, mustang lx

Mr. Hall:
Hope I'm not wasting your time, since you're so kind as to volunteer it, and this is not technically a "body" question...but if you can help:
I recently purchased a 1993 Mustang LX in so-so condition, and I'm trying to clean it up a bit. The middle console (the plastic one the runs between the front bucket seats) is pretty filthy, and I'm wanting to take it out and clean it good. Unfortunately, I can't find any screws...and it's plastic, so I rather suspect it's just got little "snap" tabs. I don't want to be too rough, though...because I don't want to break one off. Also, it looks like there are three main pieces to it, and I don't know if I should try and take it apart from back to front or vice-versa.
Is there anything you can tell me on how to go about taking this middle console apart? I don't guess I'd be lucky enough that there's a website anywhere showing an exploded diagram?
Any suggestions, advice greatly appreciated.
Warm regards,
David Gardner
[email protected]

inside the flip up console slash armrest at th bottom there should be two phillips head screws. slide seats all the way back there should be two screws at the bottom near rear.  this is a start.  Tell me more and i will bring my manual home an get better info.

                hope this helps  Brian