Auto body repair & detailing: Rusty Truck, joe gallagher, paint world

I have a  91 S-10 that I just aquired.  The box is quite rusty, but the front is in nice shape.  I hit the truck with a can of Rust inhibitor paint to try and slow things down over winter.
My Question is, can u help me to find more info on where I should start with the truck?  I'm quite handy, but I've never tackeled this job before,  I just want to fill the holes sand it down and get it the same colour. I'm just trying to do the prep, I'm not going to tackle the painting, Dont have a shop to cut the dust.Any help you can give me would be appreciated. Or any sites online that you know of that can give me some starters.  I have some pics of the truck if u want to see what I'm getting myself into. lol.  Thnaks Mike.

First sand to bear metal anywhere there is rust. If you have holes up to the size of a coffee cup you can use body filler, sand, primer and then paint. If holes are bigger you should consider cutting them out and replacing with 22 gauge sheet metal. Use a product called metal to metal to go over the edge of the sheet metal that you ground down. Then you can prime and paint. It would be good if you could send me a picture at [email protected] .Then call our 1 800 number and ask to speak to myself or my father Joe Gallagher Sr.

                            Mike Gallagher
                            Gallagher Holdings
                            Paint World