Auto body repair & detailing: Body Repair, mike gallagher, dodge spirit
QuestionI have an 89 Dodge Spirit that was rear ended several years ago. The damage was bumper only(we thought). The body seam along the trunk lid is leaking now. What do you recommend I use to reseal the seam for a permanent fix.
Check around the edge of the trunklid for a gap in your gasket. If there is one use 3M 8300 out of a caulking gun to seal it back up again. If there is damage to the metal behind the gasket from the accident it will have to be repaired. Depending on what type of damage there is will determine what type of repair you will have to do. In any case check around the edge where the gasket is and see what the situation is. If you have any other questions please call 1-800-548-4321 and we will be happy to help you.
Mike Gallagher
Gallagher Holdings Inc.
Paint World