QuestionQUESTION: I have a front windshield in a fiberglass unknown vehicle. Is there any place to go to order a windshield by measurements.
ANSWER: Hi Alan ,
I would love to see pictures of this unknown vehicle.
You can get a windshield made from just the measurements only when the glass needed is totally flat and has no rounded corners.
If the old windshield is in the vehicle it can be reproduced from it.
If the car is homemade and never had a window in it ever and no pattern exists , you will have to have someone come to you to make a pattern to fabricate a windshield for it.
I once owned a Bradly GT back in the 80's that needed both Gull Wing Doors that were made from Polycarbonate and heated into shape. Had to work a month to pay them off but they were worth it.
Anything can be made or reproduced if you want it bad enough. Let me know how you make out with this one!!
Hope This Helps! Derek =D
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Van pic
unkown vehicle
QUESTION: Pic of unknown vehicle, fiberglass body,chrysler motor and tail lights and running gear from 1985 ? Dodge Caravan
Mobile Glass
Hi Alan ,
Nice ! If that piece fits in the frame correctly and goes into your existing rubber well enough to be glued into place according to State DOT safety standards then you can just bring that piece down to a local Glass shop and have them cut it for you!
If that is not the case and it is as it looks to me , that the glass needs to be curved and the plastic is there as an attempt at a windshield then get a hold of the guy who replaces the Race car windshields at your local race track. That window can be fitted in Polycarbonate and Rivited in place
Don't forget to rate my answers. Thanks!
Hope This Helps!
Derek =D