Auto Glass: Rear window size, Glass measurements

Hi Derek -

I am trying to find the measurements for the rear window (solid, no slider) on my 2002 F-150 SuperCrew XLT.  

Not one auto glass company has been able to answer the question and I am physically unable to get my wheelchair and me into the bed of my truck in order to measure it myself.  Any chance you can help??

Hi Marci,

The Block size measurements for the rear window on a 2002 F-150 Super Crew Cab

 Nags part # DB08981YPY are:   18.3 x 58.8   These are widest and highest over all measurements.

         Its not that they can't tell you these measurements , its that  3/4 of Your SafeBite Glass shops are too busy redoing all the glass jobs that they screwed up the day before and the other 1/4 are trying to figure out how the hell they are going to explain to the customers that the New Robot Cup thingamajig that they seen on the Safebite commercial is not needed on this job or how it takes longer just to set it up than actually doing a complete windshield job without it. Or maybe the truth?, That they only have 3 of the thingamajigs for 3000 Stores.
       Now I am curious as to what you need with theses numbers? If you need help with any other questions I am here.



[email protected]          SAFEBITE SUCKS