Auto Glass: 2001 Camry drivers auto window stops working, Toyota Master Door Glass Switch

A few months ago out of the blue my 2001 Camry driver's side automatic window would not go up. After waiting a few minutes and unlocking the car I was able to get it to work. This now happens periodically. I try not to put it down since I park outside and if it won't go up it would not be pretty! Am sure it would rain or someone would break into the car. It seems like as long as the car is running the window works but if I turn the car off before putting it up that's when it stops working.

Auto Glass: 2001 Camry drivers auto window stops working, Toyota Master Door Glass Switch
Mobile Glass Inc  
Hi Lo,

         I would guess that your Master Window switch is going!

They are more prone to be intermittent the older the car gets. Unlike the Power window switches of old, when you could just replace the one bad door switch whether it was Left, Right, Front, Back!

 Today's switches at least on the Drivers side door are all inter graded together as one unit and are called:

Master Window Switches!

Now it is very common for all the other windows to work fine on that Master except the drivers side sometimes, so you will be able to test the Master switch with a jumper setup where you take the wires from the divers side of the switch to the side that always works, lets say the rear window. This test would rule out both a faulty window motor and a bad Master Switch because if it still does not work on the side that always does then its the motor on the window regulator but it is a tricky test to do and is not recommended for just anyone.

Also check your fuses for the power windows and see if they are of the right amperage for the job like a 15amp in the 20 amp slot.
Replace any aftermarket or off brand fuses as they seem to be of poor quality. Next check your battery ends for corrosion and tightness, anything suspect should be cleaned or replaced.

The master switch is pretty expensive from the dealer so try to go used but when you do the newer the better 1997-2001 are the same so don't let them sell you a lemon.

Even aftermarket would be better than nothing at 55.00 + shipping on Ebay.

         Let me know what you find.

         Hope This Helps! Derek =D