Auto Glass: 2001 Accord, 2 door, honda accord coupe, worn teeth

Hi Ben,
I have a 2001 Honda Accord coupe. The driver's window won't go all the way up under power.  I can manually lift the window up and it stays until I bump it or drive, then it falls about 3".  When I roll the window up and it reaches max height it shakes like it wants to keep going but can't.  Is there an adjustment that can be made on the travel arms that move the window or is there another problem I'm not aware of?

Hello Tony,

The "shaking" is caused when the teeth of the window motor slip on the teeth of the window regulator.  This is due to worn teeth near the top of the window regulator. I have seen this type of failure several times on this vintage of 2 door Accord.  The only solution is to replace the window regulator.

If you go to and type in "741-490" in the PART NUMBER box you will see a picture of what the mechanism looks like.

Feel free to send a follow up question if I can help in any other way.

Ben ... the power window guy