Auto Glass: REAR WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENT, 1995 mercury sable back Glass

Hello Derek,   How do I remove, and replace a rear windshield on a 1995 Mercury Sable, 4 door?  The glass was shattered so I have removed all the glass except the outer few inches all around.  It appears to be permanently bonded to the metal body.  Any advice will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.   Domenick

Hi Domenick,
         The 1995 Mercury Sable Back Glass is a pretty straightforward installation.
Once you get the replacement back glass in your hand  you'll see how it all attaches as one piece.
The glass and the molidng all in one peice and thats what you  have to cut out to reinstall it . A handful of  brand-new utility blades  is the answer to your problems. Put on your gloves and goggles and knife along the pinch weld  cutting underneath the glue on top of the pinch weld and pulling the molding at the same time getting as much glue off as you can . Done properly ,cutting and pulling at the same time it should come off like a zipper
clean all glass out and prime both pinch weld and glass. Use high viscosity urethane adhesive preferably 3M brand Using at least two tubes shoot a bead around the pinch well as evenly as possible. About 5/16  of an inch or more high Set glass as high to the top corners as possible and tape the corners and you're done.

Had a busy week so I am sorry it took so long to get back to you.
Hope this helps        Derek =D

[email protected].