Auto Glass: cavaler 2002 vent glass, 2002 Cavalier 4 Door rear Vent

the drivers side back door vent glass was broke out how would i replace the glass? there is glass stuck in seal and i cant get it out is there a trick to it or do i need to replace the seal and all?

Hi cnton,
         Sorry We took so long, Big Week end

         The 2002 Cavalier 4 Door rear Vent Part # DV 8661GTN or GTY is the same from 1995-2005 and is semi Encapsulated, and this is just a fancy word for:
         < It is made with the rubber attached GTY or glued on to it! OR NOT, GTN. so it did come not glued also. < Silly GM freaks > =D

You could EVENTUALLY get the rubber off it but why would you want to? I found 3-4 Vents with the door glass track and RUBBER AND all on Ebay for under 50,00. Your local Junk Yard should have one for 35-55.
Find The Part and I will tell you how to get it in!  I have to learn how to get photo attachments on here I do have a Picture of the whole vent frame assembly. Email me and I will send it to you!          
         Hope This Helps! Derek =D

[email protected]