Auto Glass: 1996 Accord Rear Window, auto parts stores, accord driver

QUESTION: I have 96 Honda Accord. Driver side rear window go up but will not come down.

ANSWER: Hello Mack,

If you can hear the motor try to move the window, but it won't go up, you probably have a failed "cable window regulator."  The cable window regulator on this vintage of Accord doesn't fail very often, but it does happen occasionally.  Most of the larger auto parts stores will have an after-market regulator/motor assembly that will solve your problem.

If the window is down, but you don't hear anything when you press the switch, I suspect you have a broken wire somewhere between the master switch and the left rear door.  That has been the most common cause in my experience.  It is not the only possibility, but it is the one I see most often on this vintage of Accord.  Unless you have a good deal of electrical trouble-shooting skills, I don't recommend you try to diagnose this one yourself.

Send me a follow up question if I can help in some other way.

Ben ...... the power window guy

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have try 2 different one. All them do the same way.6

ANSWER: Hello Again Mack,

If you are telling me that you have replaced the regulator/motor and get the same results then your problem is definitely a bad switch or a broken wire.

If you mean something else, sent me another follow up with a more complete explanation.

Ben  .....  the power window guy

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I used the switch on the other window and it work. I guess their is a wire that is broken somewhere. Can you help me come up with area that I can check?

Hello Again,

If you have a broken wire it typically will be inside the rubber "boot" between the driver's door and the body of the car.  I don't make wiring repairs myself.  I refer my customers to someone who specializes in automobile electrical repairs.  

Ben .... the power window guy