Auto Glass: 2002 Ford Windstar Power Window problems, ford windstar, 2002 ford windstar

The drivers side power window on my 2002 Ford Windstar has stopped working.  When you push the button you can hear a clicking noise but the window does not go down.  Could it be the motor or the wiring?  Where can I get a wiring diagram for the window?  Is this easily repaired?

Hello Mary,

The clicking sound you hear is the relay.  I think your switch is probably okay.  More than likely the motor is failing.  This is a common problem on this vintage of Windstar.  Try the following "test".

1.  Start the engine with the vehicle shift lever in "Park". Apply the emergency brake.

2.  Sit in the driver sear and open the driver door.

3.  Reach over with your right hand and hold the driver window switch button "down".

4.  Close the driver door firmly with your left hand while continuing to hold the switch button with your right hand.

5.  Repeat once or twice more if the window doesn't go down on the first attempt.

Typically this "test" will jar the motor enough so that it will start working again for at least a little while.

Send me a follow up question and let me know your results.

Ben ... the power window guy