Auto Glass: 1996 Toyota Camry rear windows, toyota camry, auto wiring

I have a 1996 Toyota Camry that is having problems with the rear windows.  The drivers side stopped working a while back, and the shop I use tried a new motor but that wasn't the problem.  Yesterday, they tried a new "switch" (?) but that didn't fix it either.  They think it's a wiring problem.  This morning, I noticed that the passengers side rear window doesn't work from the drivers door window control, but it does work on its own door but only goes down!  Any suggestions?  I'm handy with wiring in my house but have never tried any auto wiring.  Do you think this is the problem, and is it something I might be able to do myself?  Sorry to be long-winded.  Thanks!


Hello John,

I agree that your problem is probably in the wiring.  I suspect that you have broken wires between the driver's door and the body of the car.  If you look in the area near the hinges you will see a black rubber "boot".  The broken wires are probably inside that boot.  I don't make many wiring repairs myself so I can't give you much of an opinion about how difficult the job might be. I suggest you ask your mechanic if he knows of any shop that specialize in electrical work.  Then talk with the experts and get their opinion and an estimate.  If they can do the repair at a reasonable price I think you can save yourself a lot of aggravation.

Ben ... the power window guy