Auto Glass: 97 Crown Victoria - 3 passenger windows dont work, wire colors, passenger windows
QuestionI have a 97 crown victoria today all windows except the drivers will not go down. they go down about 1/4 inch then stop, I can raise them up again. could this be caused by the window lock switch?
AnswerHello Mike,
Since all three windows stopped working at once, it is probably a good guess that the lock out feature on the master window switch has stopped supplying power to the three windows in question. However, I am a little surprised that you can move the windows that 1/4 inch up and down. Typically, with no power going to each of the three windows, absolutely nothing should happen when you press the switch.
I don't have a wiring diagram for this vehicle so I can't give you any information about which wire colors to use for troubleshooting. On the other hand, the switches are easily accessible and it is fairly easy to determine which wires to use since they are typically located right below the applicable window button.
Sorry I can't be more helpful. Please feel free to send a follow up question if you need more specific information.
Ben ... the power window guy