Auto Glass: Honda Accord 2005 Power Window Sticking, silicone spray, glass run

My 2005 Honda Accord has a problem with the drivers side power window, it opens fine, but when closing it is really slow to start and sometimes sticks and goes the other way, once it gets going it is fine.
Thanks in advance.


Hello Bill,

Your problem could be just a need for lubrication in the "run channel" where the edges of the glass slide up and down.  Or the slow movement and tendency to stick could be a sign that the "regulator" is beginning to fail.  Let's discuss the two possibilities one at a time.

The front and back edges of the glass of your driver's door slide up and down in a gasket called a "glass run channel."  I suggest you lubricate this channel with silicone spray.  Use enough silicone so that it runs down the gasket inside the door.  If you don't already have silicone spray, you can purchase a can at your local hardware or home store for $2 to $5 dollars.  Cheap silicone works just as well as expensive.  Just be sure to use only silicone spray.  

If the silicone spray doesn't improve the operation, then I suspect that the "regulator" may be on the verge of failure.  If you are not already familiar with what a window regulator looks like or how it operates, I suggest you go to "" and use the part finder box in the upper left corner to see what the regulator in your Accord looks like.  Once you have found your part number, your can open another window by clicking the "technical product info" tab and it will give you detailed information on how to replace the mechanism.

Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

Ben ... the power window guy