Auto Glass: 95 Wrangler windshield installation, Jeep Window

Have a new frame ,glass, adhesive, one piece of endless molding and one piece of reveal molding. Can't make heads or tails of the molding. Does the reveal molding go on the inside of the frame and mold into the outside moulding. It is about half the diameter of the endless piece of moulding. Since working with glass want to do it right the first time. They don't look like they will overlap the windshield frame as much as the ones on the 95 and 01  do now. Put one on a CJ a few years ago and it was one piece endless,no problems. 2 pieces have me concerned. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank You, Harold

Hi Harold,

The one piece molding is for the inside. It is larger in height because it covers the pinchweld glue from the inside.  The fancy smooth side goes to the inside and needs to be in place at the time of installation. The other is for the Glass and is only about 1/2 inch and should have some adhesive inside the groove to keep it on the glass! If not let me know and we can send you enough to cover the job for 25.00 Shipping Included.

                                                              Hope this Helps!
                                                              HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

                                                                      DEREK =D

[email protected]