Auto Glass: Window, ford windstar, 1996 ford windstar

I have a 1996 Ford Windstar and the driver side window will not go back up today. My passenger side window is fine so I wasnt for sure if it was a fuse. I dont have a manual for this van but I would appreciate any help. I dont know if it could be a relay switch in the door or what. Please help!!

Hi Tonya,

I don't have the wiring diagram for this vintage of Windstar available, but I remember that some of them did have two fuses in the power window circuit: one for the left side and one for the right side.  

To check your fuses you will need the owner's manual.  Ford makes all the Owners Manuals for their entire lineup, 1996 and newer, available online:

On the other hand, my experience tells me that you most likely have a bad window motor.  Try the following "test".

1.  Start the engine with the van in "PARK."

2.  Sit in the driver seat and open the door.

3.  With your right hand depress and hold the driver window button "down".

4.  With your left hand pull the door shut firmly.

5.  Repeat once or twice more if the window does not come up.

This "test" may jar the motor enough to get the window back up.  If the window does come up you can continue to use the window normally until it sticks again.  After that I would find some one who is familiar with power windows to replace the motor for you.  

If it doesn't come back up, it may not be the motor.  You will need experienced help to determine if the switch and the wiring are working properly before replacing the motor.

Let me know if I can help you with any other information.

Ben  .... the power window guy