Auto Glass: 1992 GMC Vandura power windows, gmc vandura, 1992 gmc vandura

I have a problem with both my driver side and passenger side power windows not working at all.  Neither of them will open or close.  I replaced the fuse and both switches, and they still won't work.  I did check to see if there was juice going into the switches and there is.  What else could possibly be wrong?

Hello Raul,

The window motors are probably bad, but there could be other issues as well.  I can give you a better opinion if you will answer the following questions.

1.  How long have you owned the vehicle?

2.  Are the windows up, down, or in between?

3.  Did both windows stop working at the exactly same time?

4.  Did you have trouble raising the windows before they completely stopped working?

5.  What tool did you use to test power into the switches?

Ben ... the power window guy