Auto Glass: window off track, chrysler sebring convertible, 2004 chrysler sebring

window off track on 2004 Chrysler sebring convertible right front
passenger side----power window.  How do I remove door panel?

Hi Brenda,

Before I give you some tips on your door panel, let me tell you that your problem is very likely a broken front glass mounting bracket.  This is a common problem on this vintage of Chrysler sedan.  Replacing the bracket is something I do routinely, but it is definitely not a "do-it-yourself" project.  You don't have the proper tools and parts.  If you are determined to try to repair this yourself, your best bet is to find a used piece of glass with both mounting brackets in good condition.

Here is a brief outline of the steps to remove your door panel.

1.  remove two screws from small speaker case at front corner of the door - disconnect the speaker.

2.  remove two screws from small speaker mounting bracket at front corner of door - remove the speaker mounting bracket

3.  remove one screw from door panel "pull cup" in armrest.

4.  remove one screw from behind door release handle.

5.  remove two screws from round indentations near top half of door panel front edge

6.  remove three screws from bottom edge of panel

7.  remove speaker cover from door panel by prying back edge out first.

8.  remove three screws in deep recesses around speaker.  (NOT speaker screws)

9.  use stiff putty knife slid under front and back edges at bottom of door panel to release door panel mounting clips.  (two)

10. use stiff putty knife slid under back edge at top of door panel to release door panel mounting clip.  (one)

11. lift top edge of door panel off door, BUT NOT TOO FAR.

12. reach behind door panel and release plastic retainer clip on door handle rod and remove the end of rod from door release handle.

13. tilt the door panel back and remove all wiring connectors from the panel: window switch, lock switch, mirror switch, speaker, courtesy light etc.

14.  now you can remove the panel and set it aside.

Let me know how else I can help.

Ben ... the power window guy