Auto Glass: window Ford explorer sport 2001, ford explorer sport, electrical problem

When I lowered the 2 windows they won't go up again.
When I connected the motor to an battery they will go up.
The roof window isn't working as well.
I disconnected the switch on the drivers side, but I don't see anything which indicates that something might be burned.
I hope you have some suggestions what might be the problem.


Hello Jurgen,

Since you have already confirmed that the window motors and regulators are okay, it is highly likely that you have an electrical problem.  The most common electrical problem is a faulty master window switch.  Usually, the "down" portion of the switch works fine, but the "up" portion of the switch fails.  

One word of caution.  Most suppliers will not let you return an electrical part.  Therefore it is best to be sure the problem is in the switch before you replace it.  If you don't have the tools / skills necessary to check out the switch, any decent mechanic should be able to check for proper switch function in about ten minutes since access to the switches on this vehicle is so simple.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Ben ... the power window guy