Auto Glass: 1997 Ford Explorer Right Quarter Glass Installation, Butyl tape

QUESTION: Would you recommend that the right quarter glass in a 97 Ford Explorer be replaced by someone who is not a professional. He is going to buy the window at a pull-apart lot and thinks he will be able to fix it at home...

ANSWER: Hi Kendra,

         Yes!! He can do it! Also he is Saving a 100.00 or so by this DIY!!!!

      With a 9mm Deep Socket and a roll of 1/4 Butyl tape he could have it done in an hour. Use primer on the body and glass and make sure everything is clean.Be sure to use the Crisscross method when doing the final bolting and he should be ok as long as he does not OVER TIGHTEN THE NUTS because he could break it if he does!!!!!  

         HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!    DEREK :)

[email protected]

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your response!

Also, what about the "seal" of the window? Will there be any prolems with leaks or do you have some advice on that aspect?

Hi Kendra,

         The roll of 1/4 Butyl tape is all that is needed to make a good seal.
Imagine a 12ft roll of Black Bubble Gum in the shape of a Twizzler.  The warmer it gets the stickier it becomes.  Butyl Tape works so well that Ford did not use any liquid seal on this application at all.

When he has the Quarter glass in his hand he will be able to see the placement line for the new butyl seal.  

         Temperature plays a big part here, The warmer the tape and truck the better.