Auto Glass: leak, RESEAL

I have a 1994 ford tempo the center of the top of my windshield leaks what can I do to fix it.

Hi Sidney,

I would take it to a Pro and have them Reseal it for you!  Only because the top molding is on with metal clips that come very close to the glass, one wrong move with anything other than the right tool could crack the glass and then your looking at about 150.00 - 200.00 to replace it.

The going rate for a reseal is anywhere from 45-95 depending on the car, well worth it if you think about it.

1 tube of Urethane glue from the auto parts 15.00  -     20.00

Razor blades, Utility blades, Rubber gloves                    20.00

The all important Molding tool if you can find it?             10.00

1 bottle of Urehane primer                                              15.00

1 hour Labor                                                                    65.00

Not having Black Urehane on your hands for a Week, PRICELESS!   :)                              

 HOPE THIS HELPS!    Derek :)

[email protected]