QuestionQUESTION: I am looking for a clip that attaches to the bottom of a 2005 Toyota Camry passenger side window.
The Clip holds the window to the rail, and is the only thing that broke. All the car dealers say I have to buy the entire window but all I need is a $2.00 part. any help would be appreciated as I am out of Work!
ANSWER: Andrew,
If it is plastic, in the shape of an upside down ( h ) and WAS bonded to the window and has a small threded bolt for a 10mm nut and gets bolted to the window Regulator, I would see if your local glass shop had the clip. If I knew what the exact one looked like as far as height, I could tell you if I had one for you.
[email protected]
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: That is the Clip! But 6mm bolt. It looks like an upside-down white house and is about 1"tall. I glued it together,, but am waiting for it to fail again soon. I would love to replace it. It is reddish orange in color. All toyota dealers don't carry it and say I need to order the entire $385 dollar window. Please! Seems nobody wants you to do anything on your own or just throw away perfectly good things these days!
Thanks for your response!
The threaded bolt could be 6mm but the Nut that holds the clip to the regulator requires a 10mm socket to take it off. I need your phone # and full address to contact you. Do not post info here, send it to :
[email protected] and we will work on fixing the problem! Derek :)