Auto Glass: 2002 Mazda Tribute LX driver window goes down but not up, mazda tribute, ford explorer

QUESTION: 2002 Mazda Tribute LX driver window goes down easily but not up

The window will go up up only if you press the button in the top right corner

ANSWER: Hi Michael,

From what you have told me it sounds like the driver's window "up" switch contact is failing.  There is no way to repair the contact.  You must replace the switch. Sorry that I don't have a lot of hands on experience with this year and model of Mazda SUV, so I can't tell you how easy or hard it is to replace the switch.  If the switch arrangement is similar to the Ford Explorer, it is fairly simple and the switch isn't unreasonably expensive.

If there is anything else I can help you with, be sure to send me a follow up question.

Ben .... the power window guy

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What would be a reasonable estimate to fix this?

My mechanic charges 92 bucks an hour :-)

Hello Again Michael,

It is a little hard to say since I am not familiar with the Tribute.  Worst case I would guess $100 for the switch and one hour of labor to install it.  That labor figure covers diagnosis time, door panel removal, switch replacement, and door panel replacement.

If your Tribute is as similar to the Explorer as I think it is, it could be as little as $70 for the switch and only a 1/4 hour of labor to install it.  That assumes the door panel doesn't need to be removed and the switch can be replaced by just removing the switch "bezel."

Hope this helps.

Ben  ... the power window guy