Auto Glass: Drivers Side Glass, Comaro door glass stops

I have a 1984 Camaro and I changed the windows to power windows and in the process I learned the driver's side glass does not have the hook-like stops for the window.  The only way I can describe them is they are plastic and are attached to the windoww glass near the rail and when the glass reaches the top they act as the stops for the glass.  I need two of these so I can complete this door; any ideas where one might find these; and what are they called?

Hi Lance,

        I do belive I have one of the very same (Glass mounted stops) in my Old stock Inventory.
but that would still leave you one short. I know one year they changed the setup where the plastic had a edge to rest on the metal of the door (much better setup) and the year before the plastic stop would have a dowel shaft (all plastic) that slid into the door stop and they always broke. I just can not remember if they interchanged from year to year. The quickest way to find these parts is the junk yard, but the Dealer may still have them around for sale.

Hope this helps! Derek :)