Auto Glass: Ford power windows not working, ford power, passenger windows

QUESTION: The front Drivers side switches work all of the windows up and down, but the rear and Passenger switches wont work at all. I was told to replace the Drivers side master switch assembly but this did not correct it.

ANSWER: Hi Bruce,

I need to know the model and year of your vehicle.  It would also be nice to know if all three of the passenger windows stopped working at the same time or if they stopped working independently over a period of time.  However, let me take a stab at your problem without that information.

First thing to check is the "lock out" button on your master switch.  This button is designed to do just what you describe as your problem: keep the passengers from operating the windows while letting the driver control them.

If your lock out button is not activated and the single switches won't operate the three passenger windows, I typicall might suspect that the lockout portion of the master switch was bad, but you indicated you already replaced the master switch, so if the lock out portion of your old switch was bad, the new switch should have solved it.

I can't go much further without knowing the year and model and the history of when/how the windows failed.  Please get back to me with more information when you can.

Ben ... the power window guy.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry about that, it is a Ford 2005 Expedetion EB 4X4 5.4 L. Yes I am pretty sure they did seem to all stop about the same time. However all the windows do work from the Drivers door. Bafeling to me. could it be some relay or wire?

Hello Again Bruce,

The failure rate for the master switch on your Expedition is fairly high so I can see why you were told to replace it when your problem first began.  

I don't have access to the wiring diagram for your vehicle right now so I can't tell you much more.  If you can wait a while, I can probably get back to you late Wednesday evening.

In the meantime, you could look in your Yellow Pages under
"Automotive Electrical Service or Repair" and talk with one or more shops listed to see what they think.  If they don't seem to have a clue as to what is going on, find someone else.  

If the Yellow Pages doesn't produce any good candidates, try asking a few of your local auto parts stores if they know of a mechanic who specializes in electrical system repairs.

Talk with you later.

Ben .... the power window guy