Auto Glass: door glass, convertible door glasses, New glass

I recently had my sebring convertible front passenger window knocked out. We ar egoing to go to a junk yard to get the window, I was just wanting to know what would be the easiest way to uninstall and install the window into my car?

Hi Erica

        I would not recommend doing a convertible door glass to anyone who does not have at least a little auto glass experience and here's why:  On most cars there is no (DIRECT) contact made between the door glass and the roof line and the rear quarter glass at all, let alone both at the same time as in the case of the convertible door glass! This fact alone makes this door glass job a potential nightmare because if you don't get the adjustments right it will not close properly and it will leak. Example: an improper door glass to Quarter glass alignment will cause the quarter glass to leak air and water. But if that wasn't enough to make you want to call in a Pro on this one,  Most convertible door glasses blow up when the door fails to close properly and the door glass makes contact with the quarter glass or the metal frame of the quarter glass. Now granted most are caused by older worn hinge pins and not necessarily the door glass adjustments themselves but you can see what I am driving at, that you only have to be out a 1/4 of an inch to get the same result.
( That's right all you older convertible car owners go check those hinges!!)   Now I am not saying that you or your friends could not do this job but you would have to be extremely lucky to get all of these adjustments just right the very first time, But if you do I need you to call me right away and tell me the first 5 or six Lottery numbers that come to your mind LOL :). Now the good news! New glass prices have gone way down over the last couple of years but Used Junk Yard glass prices have NOT! Call around to a couple of glass shops and you might be surprised to find that this job is not as expensive as you originally thought and plus you will have the peace of mind not having to worry every time you close the door! How much is that worth ?? :) Hope this helps! Let me know how it comes out. Derek :)