Auto Glass: window clips, olds alero, alero

QUESTION: Ben I am very frustrated with your answer on window clips. It is not the regulator, it is just the clips. I have takent the window out and opened it all up. I discovered the clips had broken. the motor and everything else work fine.  I dont want to spend $3oo on a new motor or regulator when they are not the obvious problem! How and where can I find just the clips??

ANSWER: Hello Amber,

I have reviewed all the questions in my "answered questions" file.  I don't have one from "Amber." Sorry, I don't remember answering a question for you.

I'll be happy to give you some help if you will identify the make, model and year of the vehicle.  Also, please tell me which window is bad.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: After doing extensive research I found people who have the same problem as me.  I drive a 01 Olds. Alero 4dr, 4clyd.,2.4 liters. It is the drivers side window which won't stay up.  When we took it apart we found the little white clips had broke.  The clips connect the regulator to the window by a metal wire.  Why should I have to pay for a new regulator when it is just the clips? Why does everyone keep saying they don't make just the clips? Well, I didn't like this answer Ben so I kept looking and I found that you can purchase just the clips through GM for 8-14 dollars.  I also got a part number.  I never asked you a question about window clips until yesterday when i saw you answered someone elses question that had the same problem.  You told them they needed to buy the whole regulator. Well, now you know you don't.  My question was where you can find the clips and I got my answer. Thanx anyway.

Hi Again Amber,

Thanks for the follow up information about your Alero.

There is only one thing that confuses me.  Regulator "clips" from GM cost over $40.00 each. The part numbers are as follows: no. 22697622-left and no. 22697623-right.  Use two "lefts" on left doors and two "rights" on right doors.

If you can get G.M. "clips" for $8-$14, please let me know where.

Thanks, Ben .... the power window guy.