My 2004 Toyota Sienna XLE's driver side mirror has two plastic pieces broken out of it (see attached pictures).
Do you know what kind of plastic it is?
What repair method, if any, do you recommend?
If you recommend the heat weld method, do I need to heat both the surface of the broken piece and the remaining shell to which it is to be attached?
AnswerHi Chris.of course heat welding. these housings are normally made of :
ABS, ASA, or Nylon it does not matter what is made of, the important thing is that you have the broken parts.
strip the paint off at both sides of the cracks,
weld along the cracks with a 40 watts soldering iron as indicated in previous posts.
you may have to take the plastic base of the glass mirror off to weld in and out.
smooth with a file or sand paper, apply a paint primer and bondo filler, sand again and paint.
Do not use an air heat gun to weld if you don´t have the experience