QuestionIm trying to make custom tail light lenses and I need barrel shaped stock to cut a 6 1/2" X 2 1/2" section out of so it will curve longitude and latitude. I would prefer plastic that has the little diamond reflective pattern on back side. Got any ideas? Thank you for your time and consideration.
Got any ideas?
AnswerHi Lawrence, tail light,side turn ligth and 3th brake light lenses are made from acrylic resin pellets, >polymetylmethacrilate< in injection moulding machines.
In order to make the lenses you plan, you would probably need acrylic sheeting.
In markets highly specialized in lens repair you can find this material easily,though never with the reflective pattern inside, just flat sheets.
There may be a considerable demand for this material up there in California due to the big market associated with tuning operations but I ignore the places and the conditions to get such materials.
You will have to find out locally to see whether such plastics are sold. if so , please let us know.
Upon reflection, I believe that such patterned sheets, would be of no practical use in normal thermo-forming of lenses as these are damaged when heating, bending and pressing.
Look forward to hearing of your comments.