Automotive Plastics: passenger side mirror, polyamide nylon, mazda miata

QUESTION: My car's passenger side mirror broke in two at the base. Is it safe to put it back together using something like an epoxy? I am concerned that if it does not work well, it might break while I am driving and cause some damage, specially if I am driving fast. Thanks for answering. Also, if it will work, do you recommend any particular epoxy? Thanks once again

ANSWER: Dear Juan, I think I need more info. in order to help you with the problem of your mirror. First it is necessary to know whether this piece is of the retractile kind or one designed as a solid-housing type.Electric or manual is not a major concern although some electric mirrors are worth repairing. As far as I know, there is no suitable adhesive to fix mirror housings other than repairing by heat-welding. Fixing a mirror will require to dismantle the whole unit and take it from the vehicle.By doing so you will be able to determine the kind of polymer (ABS, ASA, POLYAMIDE (nylon)we are dealing with. You will need a soldering Iron, other easy-to-get materials and if necessary to perform some paintg job.Is your mirror
that expensive to take this trouble? Is it not available to buy a new one?
I can help you further if you want,but i will need some pictures sent to my mail and all the info I mention provided. Cars produced after 1995 usually use plastic identification codes in hidden places of the mirror. Let me know what you decide any way. Thanks Octavio

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Octavio, you may be right, it seems like a lot of trouble. Ma car is a Mazda Miata 1990, the mirror is a solid-housing type, manual. I will probably try buying a new one if repairing is too much of a hustle. Thanks a lot, let me know if you have any other suggestions.

Juan,Some Solid-housing mirrors are easy to repair by just using hidden screws to unite base and case.If you plan to buy a new one, just give it a try, you have nothing to lose.This advice is from a stubborn repairman that knows what it takes for oil from the oil well to the refinery, to Japan... to the injector... to worldwide distribution... to our cars.too much energy and resources consumed that we can help use.All this to produce a new plastic piece.Our great great children will breath and drink a cleaner air and water.
Thank you for considering repairing.Thanks.