QuestionThe drivers side mirror came off on my car.. I didn't have the money
to buy a new mirror right off the bat so I had to look for a quick
temporary fix.. The guys at my local parts store advised that I use epoxy
to glue it back on for now.. Which I did.. Now I have the new mirror
and am curious what the best way to get the mirror back off so that I
can put on the new mirror.. I've never used any epoxy before and I'm just
being cautious as I do not want to mess anything up on my car or ruin
the paint or anything of the sort.. Thanks!
AnswerDear Jon, if you applied the epoxy in a place you can not see, just pull off with force (epoxies normally do not stick so well in ABS or Nylon mirrors)The only way to remove the piece is by mechanical means. You do not have to worry about spoiling the paint if only the mirror bosses were glued. thanks