Auto Parts: 1989 Plymouth voyager Accleration problem, blown head gasket, auto part stores

QUESTION: Ok it said i had to many follow up questions ,so I will continue here..I told you that the auto shop said i had a blown head gasket..i have already fixed and replaced it along with the other gaskets that come in the kit. My van does not over heat and will not die anymore..BUT it still has an issue accelerating cleanly without a pause. You can feel it has alot more pick up then before the head gasket was changed. Just something still isn't right..For instance, If i floor the pedal it will start to gain good speed then around 40 mph you can feel it give up then catch again if i keep it floored. Whats your take?

ANSWER: Hello Larry,

Thank you for your response.  It sounds to me that since your gasket issue was fixed and there is more pickup, i would think to check for proper gapping on the spark plugs.  Many spark plugs and auto part stores say that the plugs are pre-gapped for your vehicle, however, this is RARELY accurate, they are gapped to a range that will work with your vehicle but not give you the power you need.  I recommend using a gapper, available for a few dollars at any auto part store, and checking the gapping of your plugs.  That may be your issue.  You can find the proper gapping space in your vehicle owners manual, under vehicle or engine specifications.

Please keep me advised of your progress.

Good Luck, Thank you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok i checked the gap they was a little off
But i put them to the proper .035  Still no change. Its like it isnt Getting enough fuel becuase the engine starts to go then u hear it stop picking up power  then continue and stop and it will keep doin this for as
long as i hold gas down.   But if i drive at grandma speeds it wont do it.  Im so lost on this 1

Hello Larry,

My only other recommendation is to bring it to a mechanics shop, and ask them to check your acceleration on your vehicle.  Without being there to physically see the vehicle, i can not go further into diagnosis on this question.  I'm sorry that i was not able to fix this one for you.  Please keep me up to date and let me know what the mechanic says, from there we may be able to proceed further, however, at this point the geographical distance between me and your vehicle, have brought us to s temporary stand still.