Questioni have a 1989 honda accord lxi ,and need to replace the key lock cylinder ,i have tried 3 different aftermarket replacements and they do not work completely ,one brand will not allow you to remove the key ,the others won,t turn to the start position,,,,because of a very small differece on the end of the cylinder ,,,,why would 3 different manufactures make a lock that doesn,t work or did honda use a different lock set ,,,,thanks ,joe
Answer You've run into one of the bugaboos of owning a Honda. They are made to such exacting tolerances that most aftermarket manufacturers cannot reliably supply parts for them. Did you know that the con-rod bearings are hand-fitted and frequently require four different part numbers to fit the four rods? It results in a nice car, but you are forced, in may cases, to return to the dealer parts department for replacements.