Auto Parts: Front Diff, chevy blazer, bravada

Does anyone know how to put the front differential back in a 1996 Chevy Blazer AWD made just like the Bravada. It's all wheel drive not four wheel. I got the old one out cuz it was broke in half. Can't get if to fit back up.?????

    I'm pretty sure that this differential housing is based on the housing used in the rear end of these vehicles.  There is a special tool needed to slightly spread the housing and allow the differential to fit.  It is not a job for an amateur or do-it-yourselfer.  After it is installed the bearings will need to be adjusted to obtain the correct engagement of the gears.  Most folks, including a lot of mechanics, lack the knowledge or skill to do this correctly.  You should also have a pro examine the housing and make sure it was not damaged when the differential broke.