Auto Parts: Aftermarket Suspension, stock shocks, lowering a car

Which is better for lowering a car...coilovers or springs?  Also which brand is best?  I am looking to keep excellent handling while also having very good ride comfort.  Thanks.

    That really depends on the car, and how much you want to lower it.  Replacing the stock shocks with coil-overs is not a good idea unless some radical suspension modifications are planned.  If it's handling we're looking for, and we're only talking about 1" to 1-1/2", then replacing the stock coil springs is the way to go.  If there are leaf springs involved you can use lowering blocks or get the springs re-arched to give the desired ride height (this will require someone who knows what they're doing, not just any old spring shop).  If you really want to put it in the weeds, then air springs are the choice, 'cause they let you raise the car back up if you have to (for safety inspection or just to get over a curb or onto a lift).  If it's an American car being lowered just a bit, and it's not for the handling benefits, you can use lowered spindles in the front and keep the nice, soft OE ride.  There's a lot of other stuff to consider but, ultimately, it comes down to what car and why lower it, then you can make an informed decision as to how to go about it (money can be a factor, of course; the best way to get a lower, better handling car is to buy a Ferrari).