Auto Parts: Saturn 2000 sL2 intake manifold, saturn dealer, salvage yards
QuestionHi, I have Saturn 2000Sl2 engine DOHC LLO 1.9ll4. I'm looking for a intake manifold for this car. I was wondering if you can used a intake manifold from other years of saturn? What years? Also could you used intake manifold that the engine is Sohc? If you have any suggestions where you can find a good used or new manifold for this car. thanks for your help. Frances
Answer What happened to the old intake manifold? Saturns are, unfortunately, not made out of other GM parts. That 1.9L 4 cylinder engine is a Saturn-only engine. Salvage yards will very rarely separate a manifold from a running engine. You could make a few calls and see if one of them has a blown engine from which they are willing to remove the manifold. If this is a plastic manifold, then forget it. I looked around at my sources, and no one reproduces this manifold in the aftermarket. So, I think a new one will have to came from a Saturn dealer. Go in in person to look for it, they will most likely have to order it from their depot and will require you to pay in full up front (GM, being a bunch of pricks, will not allow their dealers to return parts that are special-ordered, i.e., that they are not allowed to stock). While you're there, it wouldn't hurt to shmooze the guys behind the parts counter, maybe they'll take a liking to you and help you out next time. Just don't mention the fact that Saturn is going bye-bye soon when GM gets reorganized/bankrupted.