Auto Parts: Brakes, pitched whine, rear brakes

First, thank you for doing's a really nice thing to do.
Okay, I have a 1998 Ford Escort...but it only has 27,000 miles on it....Recently, I noticed that every once in a while when I stepped on the brakes they would make a loud noise....sort of like metal on metal sound...I realized that the car had the original brakes....but didn't know how long they were supposed to last.
So, I took the car to a "supposedly" reputable place. They said, yes, indeed, I needed new front brake pads replaced. So, I got them, along with the rear brakes cleaned and adjusted...costing $275....Labor $170, Parts $112 ( and a $17 discount with a coupon)LOL
After about a month or less, my new brakes started making this really high pitched whine when coming to a stop...not like the old sound at all but still a metal on metal sound (that's the only way I can describe it).
So, I took the car back...they said they looked at everything and all seems well...and their mechanic drove it and heard nothing. They also blew air on them as they said that here in Phoenix the brakes sometimes get dust on them and that makes them squeak.
I drove away and about a mile down the road....there is the high pitched noise again....
It seems that it starts after the car has been running for awhile and I have had to brake at stop lights, etc. for a time. Then, after that, the whine is there EVERY time I stop.
I also think I smell something is getting hot...but I'm not sure about that as it is still really hot here, and it could just be my hot engine or whatever.
They did tell me I could bring it back...but I need to be informed....Do you have ANY idea what it could be making that noise..???? Also, I wonder if it's the quality of the brakes they put on my car.?
You know, I hate to pay $275 and have to listen to a high pitched whine every time I stop...that just doesn't seem right.
I'm a single woman and don't have anyone to ask for help. I appreciate anything you might be able to figure out by what I have told you.
Thank you again for what you do.


I'm under the impression you have squeeking brakes?  Hopefully the shop utilized some anti-squeek compound on the backing plates of the brake pads.  I can say I understand what you're going through here as a previous vehicle I owned had that same problem.  I put brand new brake pads on - they squeeked.  I took them apart, lubed the slide pins, cleaned everything up - worked for a day, then they squeeked again.  Took it all apart again, applied a heavy dose of anti-squeek compound to the backing plates and that only worked for a day as well.

My best theory here is that some pads just have a tendency to squeek.  The only way to remedy this is to try a different brand of pads, which I've tried in the past on a previous car and I got lucky.  The bottom line is, at least your pads are new and you know they work as advertised, albeit with that annoying squeeking sound.  I can understand, that kind of stuff drives me nuts too.  

One thing that helps a little bit is to make sure and blast some water inside your wheels, especially on the calipers when you wash the car and wash out the brake dust as best as you can.