Car Alarms: Faulty car alarm PLEASE help, subaru dealership, car doors

Okay so heres the situation..when I open my car door my car alarm goes off and keeps going for around 20 seconds and then turns off but only if all car doors are shut. I have an aftermarket alarm installed in the car, called Audiovox Prestige. When I unlock the car, it chirps 2 times and when I lock it, it chirps once. This is the second time this has happened, heres an explanation of the first.
-So the first time, I was at my friends house. My battery had been acting up besides this, dying if I didnt drive it a full day or if it was relatively chilly out. So I go to unlock my car and it chirps 4 times which I immediately found odd. Opened my door, chirped and then the alarm started going off. Only thing was it wasnt the aftermarket alarm like (weeooweeoo) it sounded like the horn kept going off. Anyway after 2 times of not understanding anything I opened the door and sat inside the car until the alarm stopped going, then started it and drove home, took out the battery and bought a new one. Its been a month since the new battery and everything has been flowing very smoothly.
-So the second time which was this morning I go to unlock my car, and I hear it chirp 4 times. I instantly realize the alarm will go off once I open the door but I do it anyway cause well..I had to know for sure. Just as I thought, chirped and the alarm started going off so I just went back inside. Fast forward to later tonight I went out after reading the manual for the aftermarket alarm and tried the same thing as last time, waited for the alarm to stop and then turn the car on only this time it didnt work. I tried this three times, but everytime the alarm stopped and I went to turn the car on it started again. Mind you, when I say alarm i'm referring to the horn sounding alarm.
Anyway, I have no idea what to do because I cant even drive my car anywhere to a shop or subaru dealership. Any help is reallly appreciated, thanks in advance.

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