Questioni read some information you wrote about the 2001 Nissan altima car alarm when parking lights flash and horn honks. do you wait until the alarm goes off and then put key in door and turn left then right to reset it? my car alarm blinks then when you lock the door and shut it the light is a steady red light then about 2 minutes later the alarm goes off. so i turned the key right and it turns off but does the same thing again but if you leave the door unlocked the alarm light stays off and no alarm sound but of course i need to lock my car and have a alarm on. so what do i do it is the week of Christmas and the dealer ships are closed? I would be so grateful for an answer
AnswerNot really sure on duration etc...
But that's the disarming method on Nissan's
for that year. If you have your remote, use that instead,
but by using the key, you ground the disarm wire,
by going left first then right.
I hope this keeps you in control of it
for now. But if i were you, I'd have eithe
an after market installer inspect it,
or have Nissan get you some new remotes and program
them to be sure.
If it has a siren in this car, it's already after market and the
procedure to disarm is radically different.